Continuous recording (Core) data: Privacy notice

Have you signed a new tenancy with us in the last 6 years?

The chances are you would have completed a ‘Core form’ at your sign-up meeting; this form captures information about for example, the members of your household, your economic status, your ethnicity, the primary reason for housing you, the source of referral, your previous tenure, your reasons for leaving, your rent costs and details about the property you moved into.

This information does not affect your benefits, the services or treatments that you get. The information is sent to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), who consider the data essential for monitoring housing costs, assessing affordability and developing policy. The information shared is anonymous and handled with care in accordance with the law.

The information is provided via Core ('Continuous Recording'), a website funded and managed by MHCLG. MHCLG are aware that some of the data collected is particularly sensitive: ethnic group; previous tenure in hospital or prison/approved probation hostel support; if household left last settled home because discharged from prison/ long stay hospital/ other institution; or if source of referral is probation/ prison, youth offending team, community mental health team or health service. Please rest assured that all the information collected via CORE is treated in accordance with Data Protection requirements and guidelines.

Data is published by MHCLG in aggregate form on an annual basis as part of a report and complementary tables. View the Government annual publications on lettings.

Core privacy notice [PDF, 0.2MB]

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